of the 32. International Mozart Competition for young pianists up to 15 years

Jan Jiraský (CZ)
Is a graduate from JAMU (Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts) in Brno and laureate of international competitions (Beethoven's Hradec, Smetana Competition – Karlovy Vary, Darmstadt, Noyers, Novi Sad, Kiev). In the course of his master's and doctorate degree studies he became a sought-after soloist of both Czech and foreign orchestras and a guest of festival stages. He has recorded a number of CDs (ArcoDiva, Radioservis, Antiphona, Musica) and has performed several repertoir cycles, among others 18 Mozart piano sonatas in four recitals, playing both modern and historical instruments. He teaches piano at the Faculty of Music at JAMU and is the head of the keyboard department there.

Member of the jury
Hana Berger (SRN)
She began playing piano early on in her childhood under the tutorship of her mother, Prof. Alena Vlasáková. After graduading from music high school and the Prague Conservatory, she continued her studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague in the class of Prof. Ivan Klánský, where she earned her master's degree. She then furthered her education at Hochshule fur Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden in the class of prof. Arkadij Zenziper, where she also did the Meisterklasse (PhD studies in interpretation). Laureate of a number of international competitions (Kiev, Vienna, Madeira, Lonigo, Val Tidone, Jyväskylä), she plays solo and chamber music concerts in many countries of Europe and Asia. She played with the Pilsen Philharmonic, Czech Chamber Orchestra, Hradec Králové Philmarmonic, Sinfonieorchester Emmendingen and North Czech Philharmonic, to name just a few. Mrs. Berger also teaches piano playing at Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber, Landesgymnasiu für Musik and Conservatory Heinrich Schütz in Dresden.

Member of the jury
Daniel Buranovský (SK)
Vice-rector for research and development and artistic activity and professor at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. As a soloist, he cooperated with a number of Slovak and world-class orchestras, played concerts in almost all the countries of Europe, also in the USA, Brasil, Mexico, and Asia. In South Korea, he cooperated with the Hyosung Orchestra of the Taegu University where he also was a hosting professor of piano. Apart from his career as a teacher and solo pianist he also takes interest in chamber music, playing with soloists of global renown. In 2003 he performed in Carnegie Hall with the opera singer Ľubica Vargicová and in 2004 the Music Fund awarded him the Fric Kafenda Award for outstanding interpretation performance on home and foreign stages. Presently he teaches piano at the faculty of dance and music at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, which he himself graduated summa cum laude.

Member of the jury
Bernadeta Stanczyk (PL)
She studied in the piano class of prof. Monika Sikorska-Wojtacha at The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice. Since 2012, she has been the main director of The Wojciech Kilar State Music Schools in Katowice, combining general education with music. For over 30 years she has been teaching piano at all educational levels and performing as a soloist and chamber musician. Together with the Artistic Education Center in Warsaw, it organizes many national and international music competitions.

Member of the jury
Peter Toperczer (CZ)
Graduate of Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Prague under the tutelage of professors Jan Panenka and Peter Toperczer. He also had the opportunity to work with Ivan Moravec. He graduated with the highest honors and as one of the best students of his class was awarded the Sažinová-Pochlebinová Award. He is often requested as a juror for national and international piano competitions. Currently, he gives lectures on pedagogic practice at HAMU in Prague and teaches piano in the Gymnasium and Music School of the Capital City of Prague. He and his students succeeded in many piano competitions on a national and international level.