Proposition 2025

Competition Rules
Competition: 13th and 14th of November 2025 Besední dům, Komenského nám. 8., Brno, Czech Republic
Concert of laureates: 15th of November 2025 Besední dům, Komenského nám. 8., Brno,, Czech Republic
Time limits and categories
The competition has one round. It is not compulsory to be a student at a music school or institution. Participants are categorised according to year of birth.
Category Age (year of birth) Time limit
I. 2018 and younger 2-4 minutes
II. 2017, 2016 3-5 minutes
III. 2015, 2014 4-7 minutes
IV. 2013, 2012 5-8 minutes
V. 2011, 2010 6-9 minutes
At least one composition by W. A. Mozart
Eventually other compositions by different authors who were contemporaries of Mozart e.g.:
A. Fr. Bečvařovský, L. van Beethoven, J. A. Benda, J. L. Dusík, Fr. X. Dušek, J. N. Hummel, J. Jelínek, L. Koželuh, J. Kř. Kuchař, V. V. Mašek, L. Mozart, J. Mysliveček, J. J. Ryba, J. A. Štěpán, V. J. Tomášek, J. Kř. Vaňhal, J. A. Vitásek, A. Vranický, V. Jírovec, etc.
Time limits must be strictly observed.
If a competitor play one longer composition (for example, Mozart Variations), time limit may be extended by 30 seconds in categories I – II and 1 minute in categories III – V.
it is only possible to play works for solo piano. It is compulsory to play from memory. The number of works played is unlimited.
Transcriptions, arrangements and modifications not made by the author are not permitted, with the exception of the so-called Wiener Sonatinen. Time limit means net playing time. If the lower limit is not met, the competitor may be disqualified.
All changes to the repertoire must be reported in writing via email to: by the closing date for applications the latest. If this deadline is not adhered to, this will be considered a reason for disqualification of the contestant.
The order of the contestants will be determined by drawing lots, which will be published on the competition website
The jury grants these prizes in each category: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and Honourable Mention.
All prizes can be shared upon the jury´s recommendation or some might be skipped. All contestants who win one of the prizes receive a diploma, gifts and the title of a laureate on Winners' Concert. Program of the concert will be determined by the jury.
Absolut winner:
An offer to perform a concert with the symphony orchestra.
The jury may decide to award these special prizes amount to 65 000 CZK:
The prize of the governor of South Moravia, for the absolute winner of the competition
The Mayor of Brno´s prize for best interpretation of a work by W. A. Mozart
The prize of the mayor of Brno – Žabovřesky for the best Czech competitor
The prize of the mayor of Brno – Centre for the best competitor from Brno
The prize of the director of AMADEUS Competition for the best foreign competitor
The prize for the youngest competitor
The jury may decide to award a special prize to teachers for their efforts and preparation of the contestants. Special prizes need not be awarded and can be divided. The decision of the jury is final.
The closing date for applications is: 9th October 2025 Applications must be made online at
Applications can be made through a music school or a legal representative.
Information on the application form must be correct and true. Teachers or legal representatives are responsible for the accuracy of information.
Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted.
Maximum number of participants: 90
Competition schedule and rehearsal schedule (on Petrof Grand piano) will be made public and available to view on on 17st October 2025.
The organisers offer practice facilities only for duration of the competition days and winners´concert.
By sending in an application form to us, the legal representative of the contestant agrees to photos to be taken and a recording to be made free of charge of the contestant´s performance in the competition and also at the concert of laureates and its free use by public media.
Competition Fee
Payment of the fee by June 20th 2025 is 55 Euro.
OR Payment of the fee by October 9th 2025 is 70 Euro.
It is non-returnable. There is only one fee (depending on when it is paid). The fee must be paid by bank transfer.
Bank: Česká spořitelna, a.s., pobočka Brno; Minská 22, 61600 Brno
Name of account: Parnas, z.s.
Account number: 1356430399
IBAN: CZ85 0800 0000 0013 5643 0399
Sort code/bank code: GIBACZPX
Variable symbol: date of birth of the contestant (DDMMYYYY)
Details of charges: OUR (it´s not possible to eneter any other code)
It is not possible to assign the payment without the variable symbol.
School of Arts, Brno, Veveří
MgA. Vladimír Halíček, director
tel.: 00 420 731 610 025
Competition Organisation
The competition takes place under the auspices of:
the govenor of South Moravia, Mgr. Jan Grolich
the mayor of the city of Brno, Markéta Vaňková
the mayor of the Brno-centre district, Vojtěch Mencl
the mayor of the district of Brno-Žabovřesky, Filip Leder
the President of the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic MUDr. Martin Kuba
In the event of an unfavorable epidemiological situation, the organizers reserve the right to hold a contest online.
The jury consists of 5 members, all of whom are well-known and respected Czech and foreign pedagogues and artists. The secretary of the jury is a teacher from the organising music school and the conduct of the jury is overseen by the chairman. The jury gives points between 0 and 25.
The points from all the jurors are added together and an average value is calculated. If a juror's points differ from the average by 3 points or more, this juror's mark is crossed out and not taken into consideration and a new average value is calculated. The jury marks all performances after all the contestants have played within each category and the order is established. Jurors' marks are public during the competition. Jurors are not permi ed to mark their own students or their family members.